Eat, Drink, Man Educates Korean Style With Christiane Lauterbach

Eat, Drink Man does Korean

It’s been a super busy day, so sorry for the lack of posts. However, I wanted to point out some required reading to all you passionate foodies.   To welcome in the new year, Atlanta Magazine’s Christiane Lauterbach (of Knife and Fork fame) wrote a little piece on Korean food. The source of her information (and perhaps her inspiration), was none other than Gene Lee, who we all know as Eat, Drink Man.

The article, which was published on new years day, is full of good tips.  Even if you fancy yourself an expert, it’s worth the read.  Meanwhile, I strongly suggest you hit up the source.  Mr. EDM was kind enough to share his thoughts on the topic, and include some pretty fancy picturas.  I’ve taken the liberty of “borrowing” one for this post.  Alright, time to go get my football on.

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  1. This game blows.

    As for the magazine article…Bud Namu isn’t what it used to be compared to when it first opened. The stuffing inside the duck is still absolutely delicious but the duck itself is now dry and mushy.

    That’s one thing I hate about Korean restaurants. More so than other cultures (I think), once the owner/investor raises capital to a certain level, they sell it off or the chef leaves to another restaurant for more money in a heartbeat.

    1. Note for those of you reading this at a later date: I can only assume that by “This Game Blows,” Sean was referring to the spelunking match between the North Chesapeake Gremlins and the Southeastern West Missouri North State of Perdue Boiler Pirates.

  2. I just feel like if I had been there, Colt could have soldiered on. He probably just missed me.


    I guess it’s not a bad day when your #2 favorite team wins the national championship, though!

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