The Suicide Doughnut [Deliciousness]

Saw this awesome suicide doughnut from my favoritest, bestest, craviest doughnut dude … Kamal Grant of Sublime Doughnuts.


This round mound of doughnut down contains Bavarian crème, butter toffee, vanilla crème, strawberries, Reese’s cup, raspberry, powdered sugar, peanut butter, marsh mellow, Oreo, coconut, and Butterfinger!  I feel a doughnut rap coming on!

Oh and for those of you assuming the title is a reference to some morbid fantasy of death by doughnut … it’s not.  It’s borrowed from the term “suicide drink.”  In my more formative years, I enjoyed taking my soda fountain cup and pouring every possible varietal into my container.  It’s a common, yet somewhat underground, behavior.

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