Vanilla Malt Whoppers Popsicle … Burger King Never Had It This Good

Most of the time, when someone mentions the word Whopper to me … I think of this: Now, I’ll think of this: Creamy crunchy and just damn good … that’s the vanilla malt popsicle with … Read more →

Burger … Meet Windows 7: Technology And Burger King Come Together In A Most Heinous Way [Laugh Of The Day]

Well … hell may hath frozen over with this one.  This week has been very big to the technology community as Microsoft has released their highly anticipated OS, dubbed Windows 7.  Burger King decided to … Read more →

Get Flame – Smell Like Burger – Seduce Your Lady Friend [Laugh Of The Day]

Alright all you bachelors, your search for the ultimate aphrodisiac is finally over.  Forget Right Guard, forget Axe, and forget your Polo.  The answer has finally come … in the form of an aerated Whopper … Read more →

Latressa Goodman And Her McNuggets: The 911 Fast Food Emergency

I’m pissed that I had a lot of work to do the past couple of days.  I wanted to write this post as soon as this story hit the Smoking Gun; unfortunately, I did not … Read more →