Restaurants on Facebook: Online Engagement Through Social Media

I constantly look at how restaurants use Facebook and Twitter.  While it never factors into my reviews, I do track what’s said for newsworthy tidbits and such.  In fact, I have an RSS folder that … Read more →

The World Keeps Getting Smaller: The Quick And Dirty Dirty

While I’m obviously not their target market (aka – I’m a dude), I’ve had in my reader since July.  Run by a duet of ladies (one part Lauren, one part Lindsay), the majority of … Read more →

Breaking News: Adam Biderman Out At Holeman & Finch

This has the potential to break my heart.  I, along with every other foodie in ATL, love Holeman & Finch, that über cool English pub in Peachtree Hills.  Well, according to his own facebook status, … Read more →

100 Strong And Growing

Cool beans … thanks ya’ll for your interest.  The facebook page has 100 fans. Neato Bendito! Technorati Tags: facebook,site news

Become A Fan: Follow On Facebook!

Hey gang! So I have decided to setup a Facebook page.  Not too much is going on over there right now; however, I’ll pimp it out over the next few days.  I’d love to … Read more →