The Four Coursemen – Athens, GA: TV Dinner Takes On A Whole New Meaning [Supper Clubs]

Nestled away in a quaint shotgun styled house just outside of Downtown Athens is one hell of a culinary adventure.  Comprised of Damien, Randolph, Patrick, Eddie, Matt, and Nancy, the collective known as The Four Coursemen have taken their game from impromptu kitchen slinging to the precipice of national fame. The abbreviated version of their …

Tomato Season: Attack Of The Killer Tomato Festival Returns For 2010

Attack of The Killer Tomato Festival for $500 please Mr. Kebert Xela … Answer: Jay Swift, Anne Quatrano, Hugh Acheson, Chris Hastings, Kevin Gillespie, Bruce Logue. Question: Who are just a few of the awesome chef’s showing up at this years Attack of The Killer Tomato Festival? Yes ladies and gents … it is that …

Farm Burger Restaurant Review – Decatur, Atlanta, GA [First Impressions]

As mentioned yesterday, in a frenzy of magnanimous delight, burger fiends have descended on Farm Burger in Decatur with fervor and excitement.  Like cows set out to pasture at Augusta National, people just can’t seem to get over this organically inclined burger joint.  Case in point: by noon on day one, tables were filled and …

Farm Burger Opens In Decatur [Openings]

Yes, today is a foodie day.  You see, it’s the first full day of service for Farm Burger, Decatur’s next trending restaurant.  As you may infer from the wisely chosen name, Farm Burger is a burger joint that features grassfed beef from locally sourced providers.  The restaurant has been in the works for some time …