Pearl Oyster Bar Review – West Village, New York City, NY [Out of Town]

So I’m stuffing my face full of New York when I am suddenly put on notice.  One of my good friends in culinary consumption just so happens to be roaming the very same streets and in roughly the same neighborhood.  Yup … Eat, Drink, Man was in town too. Out came the droid, soon followed …

Coast Seafood & Raw Bar Restaurant Review – Buckhead, Atlanta, GA [First Impressions]

The corner of E. Andrews and W. Paces Ferry in Buckhead is choke full of Atlanta’s forgotten culinary greatness.  Yes, the converted home that housed one of Atlanta’s most notable restaurants (Seeger’s) has gradually morphed from a place of legend and shi shi into an establishment for the more casual dinner.  Coast Seafood & Raw …

Neptune Oyster Review -The North End, Boston, MA: Even Lauded Restaurants Disappoint [Out Of Town]

With a name inspired by the gods and a reputation that follows, one should expect big things from Neptune Oyster in the North End of Boston.  The famed oyster bar, owned by Jeff Nace, seats just 18 bar-side and roughly 25 at the tables … which aren’t more than an arms length away from that …