HD1 Brings Trendiness To The Hot Dog [First Impressions]

Most people who visit HD1, Atlanta’s newest hot dog concept, will not have any misgivings as to the type of things they will see, touch, and taste while inside.  Few, if any, will expect a … Read more →

While the Buddha’s Away, HD1 Will Play

I’m Left Coasting it for a little bit longer and time doesn’t stop for those of us kicking back.  Meanwhile in Atlanta, HD1, the hot dog experiment with a heavy hand from Richard Blais, opened … Read more →

Staplehouse & Atlanta Supper Clubs Continue To Draw Crowds

Supper clubs aren’t new.  Supper clubs in Atlanta aren’t new.  What is new is all the mainstream attention being dolled out on these underground dining destinations.  While the inertia behind every supper club can be … Read more →

Super Chef Battle: Iron Chef America Goes To The White House [TV Shows]

Though I’m a much bigger fan of the Japanese original (that’s a wiki link), Iron Chef America isn’t half bad.  Hosted by Atlanta’s own Alton Brown on the Food Network, the competition show features a … Read more →

BREAKING NEWS: Flip Burger Boutique Hits Birmingham, AL In December

This just in … chef Richard Blais just announced via his twitter feed that Flip Burger Boutique, the ever popular fusion burger joint, is finally expanding after months of rumors and postulations.  The next location … Read more →

Watch Richard Blais & Eli Kirshtein Take On Mario Batali On Iron Chef America [Repeats]

Get your DVRs ready for Saturday afternoon.  Long before he graced our screen as the darling of Top Chef, Atlanta’s own Richard Blais showed up TV sets across the states on an episode of the … Read more →

Taste Of Atlanta 2009 Hits October 10th & 11th

Taste of Atlanta has long been known as the premier foodie festival in the Dirty South.  After setting up shop at Atlantic Station the past couple of years, the festival has relocated to nearby Technology … Read more →

Something From Atlanta Brewing In DC??? [Things That Make You Go Hmmm]

I’m not sure exactly what to make of this.  However, I thought it was interesting enough that it is worth a mention.  For reasons beyond my scope, a post from January blew up yesterday.  That … Read more →

Richard Blais Offering Up Boutique Tastings … Details Inside

This may be the type of thing that is already passé by the time you see this.  Heck, this may be done before I finish getting this post up.  According to his facebook status, Richard … Read more →

The Original Retro Brand Goes Foodie???? Richard Blais Talks Sports, Top Chef, And Flip Burger Boutique

I always get a kick out of reading about people “outside their context.”  Such is the case with a recent post over at the Original Retro Brand blog.  To explain, since 1998, DistantReplays.com has been … Read more →