H&F Bread Co’s Loss is Alon’s Gain: Rob Alexander Moves To Alon’s

Not 24-hours after Holeman & Finch Bread Company opened their doors to the general public do we have some even bigger news.  Rob Alexander, the wunderkind head baker at H+F, has moved to Alon’s Bakery, … Read more →

Holeman & Finch Bread Co. Hath Risen … Officially Open

Here’s some good news: that buttery, glowing siren of bread pictured above is now available 7-days a week.  That’s right …  Holeman & Finch Bread Company (unofficially known as Atlanta’s best bakery) has officially opened … Read more →

Holeman & Finch Bread Rising Again [Openings]

Holeman & Finch Bread Company is indeed reopening to the public and it appears that this bun is just about done in the oven.  So start your wave, erupt in cheers, dance in the streets, … Read more →