Corks And Forks Food And Wine Hits Grant Park Saturday And Sunday [Events]

Looking for something to do this weekend?  Head down to Grant Park for the 7th annual Corks And Forks event.  The event runs Saturday, August 29th and Sunday, August 30th (1-5pm both days).  For $45/day, you have an opportunity to taste a lot of food and drink from a number of Atlanta restaurants.  When you …

Chef Russell Hays Moves To Peasant Bistro From Joel

Russell Hays has surfaced.  Apparently, Hays has taken over as the executive chef at Peasant Bistro in downtown Atlanta.  Most recently the sous–chef de cuisine at JOËL, Hays has fluttered about Atlanta for a handful of years now.  In addition to a couple of stops at Joel, Hays has worked for both the Buckhead Life …