Serious Eats And John Kessler Talk Atlanta, Pizza Wars, & More

Last week, I mentioned that a well respected NYC foodie and a local heavyweight were scampering around town to try some of the best Atlanta has to offer.  Yesterday, Ed Levine, the NYC dude of … Read more →

Lunch At Parish: Nothing New … Yet [Quick Hits]

Two-months ago, the NY Times brought Serenbe Farms in Palmetto, GA to our attention.  The Newspaper was a shining moment for chef Nick Melvin.  Not a moment later, Melvin went splits-ville.  I, like most everyone … Read more →

Serenbe Farms In Palmetto, GA Makes A Splash

Farm-to-table and sustainable food are all the buzz the days.  While Blue Hill Farm in New York may get the most press (at least as far as Farm-Restaurants go), Serenbe Farms down in Palmetto continues … Read more →