Soto New York [Out of Town]

Like every other Atlanta foodie, a short while back I dropped in the food Mecca that is New York.  It was an ungodly trip of lusty, slutty, completely inappropriate foodie indulgence and I’m just now getting my thoughts organized and my photos online.  I’ve long talked of my man love for Sotohiro Kosugi.  The guy …

Soto Earns Second Michelin Star [Awards]

While the James Beard Award may carry more notability around these parts, the Michelin Guide is in fact the real deal.  Early this morning, the famed guidebook (and tire manufacturer), released their ratings for 2011.  Of particular note to us in the Dirty, Sotohiro Kosugi garnered a second star for his well regarded New York …

David Chang Of Momofuku Talks With Creative Loafing

Mention the name David Chang to any food craved fan boy (cough … me), and you’ll probably hear a one word response: Love!  The dude just kills it.  His Momofuku restaurant empire is one of the most talked about restaurant groups I can think of.  Meanwhile, his food is just freaking great. Luckily for us, …

Soto Earns A 2010 Michelin Star

Most foodies know about the Michelin Guide; it is the most notable ratings guide I can think of.  This year, former Atlanta resident Sotohiro Kosugi scored himself a star.  His eponymous New York sushi bar is starting to pick up some of the acclaim that’s been long overdue.  Congratulations to Sotohiro Kosugi, my favorite sushi …

Heaven Found At Soto In The West Village, New York [Guest Blogger]

If you read this blog with any regularity, then you are well aware of my absolute idolization of former Atlanta resident and world-renowned super chef Sotohiro Kosugi.  Kosugi crushed us all when he took his game to the big apple.  As it turns out, some people who read my review decided to stop in on …

Holeman & Finch Celebrates 1-Year In Style: Goes Top 50 … Meanwhile – Soto Goes Neener Neener

Dropped in at Holeman & Finch on Tuesday night.  As luck would have it – they were serving up an anniversary.  To celebrate the occasion, there was a special pork belly + coleslaw slider on the menu.  I hate coleslaw, but this sucker was seriously bad ass!  The pork belly was juicy and cooked to …

Linton Hopkins Is A 2009 Food And Wine Best New Chef

Congratulations to Linton Hopkins of Atlanta’s Restaurant Eugene and Holeman & Finch!  Food & Wine magazine has just named Linton one of America’s best new chefs.  A handful of other Atlanta chefs have won the award.  Anne Quatrano and Clifford Harrison won for their work at Bacchanalia and Sotohiro Kosugi won during his time in …

Sotohiro Kosugi Rocks Madrid Fusion 2009 And My High School Spanish Teacher Rejoices

The past few months, I’ve spent an inordinate amount of time looking at the Madrid Fusion website.   Well, the event has wrapped and the food scene is abuzz.  Many great American chefs took part in the conference: Grant Achatz, David Chang, Harold McGee, and Jose Andres all made appearances.  Of particular interest to those in …

Out of Town: Soto Restaurant Review, West Village – New York City, NY

Since Soto was just named the best sushi in New York City, I wanted to post a review I wrote a few months ago. Enjoy! ———– Sotohiro Kosugi’s food has been a staple of my diet for many years. I frequented his restaurant(s) in Atlanta more times than I can remember. Needless to say, I …