The Best iPad Food Apps: The Complete Foodie Guide To The iPad [Technology]

I make no bones about my general disdain for a company that embeds personal information into audio files that you purchase (see: Apple).  That said, I know a big thing when I see it … and for better or worse, the iPad is a big thing.  That I have no intention of playing with it …

Slice Pizza Blog Talks Frozen Pizza, Misses The Mark Entirely [Frozen Pizza Wars]

In a tragic move of epic journalistic failure, Slice, the ever popular pizza blog from the gang at Serious Eats, just undermined their years of good work in one fell swoop.  In an attempt to unlock the Rubik’s cube that is frozen pizza, one of their bloggers posted the results of a frozen pizza taste …

Via Elisa To Close Oct 17th: News That Majorly Sucks Total Suckiness [Breaking News]

Now this is a dagger to my culinary heart.  As reported by the venerable Cliff Bostock via his twitter and on Omnivore,  Elisa Gambino is shutting down Via Elisa, her Westside pasta shop, in a couple of weeks.  She penned a long and detailed response, so you should head over and read that post. Via …