On tonight’s episode of The Best Thing I Ever Ate, you’ll get a chance to see the “Angry Mussels” from JCT Kitchen. [Yes … the same dish that I recently said “squeaks by meekly”] While I’m not really a huge fan of JCT and yes, I’m over the whole bacon craze, it’s nice when any local restaurant gets national attention. For all you homebodies, foodies, dvr freaks (that would be me), and anyone else with cable … tune in tonight (that’s June 30th) at 9:30 PM EST for some local love.
If you happen to miss it, the show will air again at 12:30 AM on the 1st (just a few hours later) and again on the 11th at 6:00.
JCT is awesome. The best Southern FOOD
Love JCT. Had a killer lobster roll sammy there for lunch Friday.
Heavenly fries, too.