A Trip to Engine 11 And Mykonos Taverna Opens [Quick Hits]

This is just a quick little get up for ya’ll.  I’m heading out the door for a business trip and haven’t had time to finish writing either of my two latest reviews.  I hope to have at least one of them ready to post by the time I land.  In the meantime, here’s a quick little heads up.

First up is Engine 11, the pub that now occupies the old fire station on North Ave.  While the building itself is pretty damn cool, the location seems to be a death knell for all who open there.  Stylistically, not much has changed since The Spotted Dog, the previous tenants, closed up.  Menu wise – it’s a bit of a mix and match with over priced appetizers and par for the course grub.  Details to follow.

Meanwhile, Mykonos Taverna has finally opened.  Roughly three-months behind schedule, this Greek eatery is hoping to capitalize on the huge buzz with a mind boggling array of menu options and a distinct decor.  To my surprise, that opening announcement has been on of the more popular posts on the blog (currently 3rd as of this writing).  Meanwhile, the initial meal left me absolutely perplexed, but not so much that I’m ready to burn down the place (yet…).

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