Steamhouse Lounge Oysterfest 2010: Get Your Mollusk On

OysterFestGirl10If you’re an oyster lover, don’t mind braving mildly inclement weather, and don’t have a lot going on this weekend, make it a point to hit up the Midtown area right around 11th and West Peachtree.  The reason?  This weekend, Steamhouse Lounge is hosting Oysterfest 2010, their annual celebration of all things oyster.

At the Steamhouse, you’ll find droves of people enjoying live music, roasted oysters, and cold brewskies.  $20 gets you in on Saturday, while a ten spot will do the trick on Sunday.  If that isn’t enough to motivate you, a portion of the proceeds goes to Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta.  So buy some tickets after you check out the flyer over there on the left.

Saturday, things kick off at 11am and will last until sunset.  Justin, Swami Gone Bananas, Unzipt, and The Sundogs will take the stage.  On Sunday, you get started an hour later, but things still go until sunset.  The talent for the day includes the curiously named Miss Kitty (with Ménage a Trios), Olde Dog, and Gary Pfaff and the Heartwells.

Have a blast!

The Steamhouse Lounge
1051 W Peachtree St NW Atlanta, GA 30309 // 404.233.7980 // Steamhouse Lounge website // Steamhouse Lounge menu

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