Bacon Ipsum: Lorem Ipsum Goes Meaty [Laugh of the Day]

BACON!!!!!!! BACON BACON BACON BACON!!!  Yes, is just what it sounds like … a lorem ipsum generator for the foodie challenged.

Here’s a sample:

Bacon ipsum dolor sit amet sunt adipisicing laboris, qui in eu velit short loin. Occaecat fatback nulla laborum quis, adipisicing nisi pariatur irure tri-tip. Voluptate ham hock pork belly, tenderloin magna ham aliqua ut bacon duis enim strip steak meatball. Aliquip beef ribs venison consequat turkey culpa aute, sed ground round pork chop. Shankle labore ham hock irure, sint short loin biltong pancetta ham. Aliquip esse duis, venison et exercitation chicken fatback est shankle laboris beef sint consequat. Laborum pork belly meatball, swine qui pork loin ea venison in chuck ullamco aliquip.

[via Giz]

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