It is tomato season, so when life gives you 25 lbs. of fresh tomatoes, you make a shit ton of delicious Bloody Mary mix. Thanks to one David Dreyer, a friend who I don’t spend nearly enough time with, I have a liter of Double-D’s Bloody Mary mix in my refrigerator. Rather, I had a liter but have consumed more than my fair share in the 24-hours since it arrived on my doorstep. While the exact recipe remains under lock and key, here’s a little rough guideline for you.
- Fresh tomatoes
- Cucumbers
- Celery
- Sweet & Red Onions
- Cilantro
- Horseradish
- Worcestershire sauce
- Salt/Pepper
- Lime Juice
- *Other Spices*
1st – Take your tomatoes and simmer, mash, press, strain and generally whip into submission until you get as much juice as possible. Depending on the amount of tomatoes you’re trying to reduce, I’d say this will take around an hour at minimum.
2nd – Purée the cucumber, celery, onions, chopped cilantro. Add in your grated horseradish, Worcestershire sauce, S&P, lime juice and “other” to that concoction.
3rd – Mix the tomatoes with your purée, cover and chill overnight in the fridge
4th – Drink straight or mix with vodka or gin. It’s also suggested that you mix with Tabasco/Siracha/or other hot sauce.
I do realize that it’s a bit “dickheadish” to post a recipe that isn’t exactly a recipe; however, this is really just a get you started post. The picture under the ingredients section should help you with portioning if you’re at a loss. In addition, for those of you looking for strict guidelines, might I suggest you explore H&F Bottle Shop’s Bloody Mary recipe. It’s not as traditional as Double-D’s, but stellar in its own right. I love both but something about the straightforward POW! of what’s in my fridge really gets me.
Regardless of what your base vegetables are, I wouldn’t suggest adding much more than a single piece for every 1.5 ~ 2 lbs of tomatoes. Case in point – H+F calls for 1 large carrot and 1 large beet for a 1.5 lbs of tomatoes [That recipe makes 12 servings].
Eat, drink, & be merry … for tomorrow you may die.
Yep you called it. Dickheadish.