Attack Of The Killer Tomato Festival [Get Your Tomato On]

It’s Atlanta, it’s July, and it’s tomato season.  That can only mean one thing: it’s time for the annual Attack of the Killer Tomato Festival.  This highly seasonal food festival put on by the fine folks at Georgia Organics returns to the Westside Urban Market and neighboring Westside Provisions District on Sunday, July 17th.  From …

Tomato Season: Attack Of The Killer Tomato Festival Returns For 2010

Attack of The Killer Tomato Festival for $500 please Mr. Kebert Xela … Answer: Jay Swift, Anne Quatrano, Hugh Acheson, Chris Hastings, Kevin Gillespie, Bruce Logue. Question: Who are just a few of the awesome chef’s showing up at this years Attack of The Killer Tomato Festival? Yes ladies and gents … it is that …

Valentine’s Day Reservations Scalpers Try To Scam Beyond Atlanta

Last night, I posted on a troubling website that was trying to sell reservations to some of Atlanta’s most notable restaurants.  Well, a lot has happened since then.  Thanks to some amazing internet word of mouth, went offline within a few hours.  Then, the owners tried to get another scam site up under a …

911 Reservations Website Caught Trying To Scalp Valentine’s Day Reservations [Updated]

[Update: Please view the bottom of the post for the most up to date list of fraudulent listings, Additionally, I will pin this post to the top of my site until Sunday] Thanks to an email from the gang over at Rathbun’s (website), 911 Reservations, a website looking to pull a fast one over restaurants …

Abattoir Chophouse Review: Bangs One Out On The Westside – Midtown, Atlanta, GA [First Impressions]

This is a first impression if there ever was one. Thursday, May 21, 2009: the laptop closed, the door slammed, and I bustled my hustle over to Abattoir Chophouse just as soon as I could wrap up my 9-5.  I’m such a restaurant whore!  Thankfully, I had a little detour on the way over to …

Star Provisions In Midtown: Atlanta Sub & Sandwich Tour #10

Oh Atlanta S&S Tour, how I have missed you!  Travel, temporary sandwich burn out, and life in general caused me to miss a few weeks.  What better way to get back in the saddle than with a trip to Star Provisions.  In the realm of high-end gourmet shops, SP seems to garner a near godlike …

Linton Hopkins Is A 2009 Food And Wine Best New Chef

Congratulations to Linton Hopkins of Atlanta’s Restaurant Eugene and Holeman & Finch!  Food & Wine magazine has just named Linton one of America’s best new chefs.  A handful of other Atlanta chefs have won the award.  Anne Quatrano and Clifford Harrison won for their work at Bacchanalia and Sotohiro Kosugi won during his time in …

An Evening With Chef Anne Quatrano of Bacchanalia – 02.23.09

Emory University has this awesome “Sustainable Initiative” series.  While the evening with Linton Hopkins has come and gone, there are still two lectures left.  Tonight is one such night. These lectures give each chef an opportunity to discuss their participation in the sustainable food movement.  In addition, they hand out tips AND give you an …

Atlanta Shows Strong For The 2009 James Beard Awards Semi-finals

So I actually have a ton of work to do right now for my 9-5 … thus, this will be brief.  Maybe I’ll come back later to add some context and some links…but in the meantime check out the several Atlanta culinary establishments and personalities that are semi-finalists for the foodie equivalent of the Oscars. …