Midtown Restaurant Week Hits The Town

Another week comes, another “restaurant week” hits.  Atlanta’s Midtown Restaurant Week, which drops for the 4th time, starts tonight (August 29) and runs through Sunday, September 6th.  This one features a whopping 43 restaurants (if my math is correct).  In what has become formulaic normalcy, you show up at one of the participating restaurants, ask …

Funghi Fritti From Riccardo Ullio [Recipe]

So the Mushroom Channel is a blog dedicated to all things funghi.  It’s a pretty good read despite it’s lack of diversity.  Yesterday, I noticed they had an interview with Riccardo Ullio, the owner of notable Atlanta restaurants Sotto Sotto, Fritti, Cuerno, and Beleza.  In that interview, Ullio shares with the crowd the method behind …

The IRS Isn’t So Bad: Eat Out And Save 15% Off Your Meal During Tax Time

Though I’ve always found the idea of “buying something on sale in order to save money” to be laughable, buying things at a discounted rate is a good thing.  Enter the “Intown [sic] Restaurant Stimulus” (betcha thought I was talking about the other IRS).  From April 19-23, and again on the 26-30th, a handful of …

Dine Out For A Safer Atlanta: Fundraiser for John Henderson

For those that are scratching their heads by the title of this post, John Henderson was an employee at the Standard on Memorial Drive.   He was gunned down during an early morning robbery.  Though I only “knew him” in the loosest sense of the term, I denoted his warm affect the two or three times …