Super Pan Restaurant Review: Top Chef Sandwiches In Poncey-Highland, Atlanta, GA [Food Finds]

If my foodie gauge is correct, Super Pan, a Latin sandwich shop from Hector Santiago, is about to be the latest restaurant to permeate Atlanta’s food chatter.  How long this Pura Vida spin-off manages to last in that conversation will depend entirely on their ability to deliver good, consistent food.  Of course, Santiago’s notability due …

Super Pan Latino Sandwich Shop Opens In Poncey-Highlands [Openings]

The photo above comes courtesy of Hector Santiago’s newest endeavor … Super Pan, a Latino Sandwich Shop. (I nabbed it off the Super Pan website).  I luckily stumbled upon this sandwich shop just the other day but stupidly forgot to update y’all on the details.  Sorry!  Buddha Fail!  Anyway, I’ll give y’all a recap just …

I’m High On Cooking: Blogging, Farming, And Food Porn

Sometimes, I have a very good explanation for how and why I stumble upon a website.  Other times, I have no idea how I happen upon some of the gems I hit.  Such is the case with the blog I’m High On Cooking (link to the tumblr).  The blog tumblr itself is a bit of …

The Super Awesome Osage Farms Agency & Tomlin’s Barbeque – Rabun Gap, GA

Osage Farms, located on Hwy 441 North in Rabun Gap, is just one of a handful of local farms that call Rabun County home.  While I haven’t visited any one of those other spots, I imagine that Osage is one of the better options for fresh produce in the entire state of GA, let alone …