Kessler Visits The Omakase Room At MF Buckhead – Sushi Fans Salivate

John Kessler, one of Atlanta’s more well known foodies, recently took a trip to the much discussed omakase room at MF Buckhead.  For those unfamiliar, MF restaurants are known around town as much for their … Read more →

Kessler and Varasano Dine at LaBella Pizzeria

John Kessler, the AJC’s version of Frank Bruni, recently visited LaBella Pizzeria (via Yelp).  What made this trip interesting is that his guests were Jeff Varasano and Heather Stoakley, of the much anticipated Varasano’s Pizzeria.  … Read more →

A Blais of Glory: Kessler follows Chef Richard Blais

John Kessler, one of the longtime food critics from the Atlanta Journal Constitution, gave us a recap of Chef Richard Blais’ “hyperactive nine-year career in Atlanta restaurants.” LINKY