Lego Star Wars Cupcakes & Cakes [Desserts]

Star Wars + Cupcakes + LEGOs = Happy Buddha.  You probably already realized this a few weeks ago when a great Star Wars Cupcake photo flickered across my stream.  This time we can thank Rachel … Read more →

Legos + McDonald’s: Every Thing Tastes Better In Plastic

I’ve expressed my love for LEGOS before.  I’ve also made no bones about my appreciation for rapidly prepared and delivered morsels of cow parts, pig parts, and “other” parts [See: fast food].  So now we … Read more →

Sushi + Legos Equals Awesomeness [Laugh Of The Day]

Does this really need an explanation in awesome?  I think not! [via ffffound] Technorati Tags: pictures,sushi,legos,funny,ffffound