Shit Bartenders Say

Service interruption: While y’all slept and we threw down at a couple of Midtown saloons with two very large ladies [*wink*], my server crashed … so apologies there. That aside, it’s obvious that I’m a … Read more →

America’s Best New Mixologist: Andy Samberg

America’s hottest new mixologist/bartender/alcohol concocter or whatever you want to call it is actually Andy Samdberg, who’s been spotted working at Mint in Portland.  Dude knows how to use the egg shells to get that … Read more →

New Mixologist To Debut Tonight At Shaun’s

Mixoligist is to bartender as chef is to cook.  At least, that’s how I define mixology.  Mixology is one of those buzz terms that is quite the rage nowadays.  Brian Stanger has taken over the … Read more →