Silver Fox Alert: Laying Over in Atlanta #Spoilers

While I’m honestly the last person to care about celebrity sightings, I can make an exception every now and then.  Case in point: the mythical Silver Fox has been spotted in Atlanta.  Anthony Bourdain, known … Read more →

Documentary On Baristas In The Works? [Film]

Y’all remember that post on the South East Barista Competition … right?  To catch you up if you didn’t: * Barista is that fancy name for the person who makes your coffee (or tea) * … Read more →

The Prodigal Son Returns …

So ya’ll are probably wondering where I’ve been all day.  Well, intentions to post my next diatribe were summarily squashed about 3-hours ago when a certain gentleman danced across my horizon (literally – he did … Read more →

Atlanta’s Westside Blowing Up – And The NY Times Knows It

                                                                                                                    (the dining room at Abattoir) In today’s edition of the NYT, Shaila Dewan decided to talk up the burgeoning art scene on the west side of Atlanta.  Despite a few journalistic faux pas, it’s … Read more →

Octane Coffee Eastside Opens In Emory Village

On Thursday, I made another one of my near daily stops over at Octane Coffee.  While there, I was informed of the good news.  After months and months of waiting, the wildly popular coffee shop … Read more →

Chinese/Yixing Pee-Pee Boy Doesn’t Actually Make Your Tea Taste Like Pee [Laugh Of The Day]

If you know me, you know I love tea … particularly Rooibos (pronounced ROY-Boss), keep that in mind as you progress through this rant.  Last night, over a very kick ass glass of Earl Grey … Read more →

Octane Rocks The Southeast Regional Barista Competition

So for those of you that did not visit the SRBC (internal) this past weekend, here is all you need to know: Octane! I don’t drink coffee on anything close to a regular basis (maybe … Read more →

Southeast Regional Barista Competition This Weekend At King Plow / Stop In At Octane Coffee

Though you wouldn’t know it from their website, the Southeast Regional Barista Competition (SRBC) is this weekend.  Amongst all the blurb about this – one factor reigns supreme: IT’S FREE! So for all of you … Read more →