Chef Todd Richards Of Rolling Bones BBQ: Inside The Chef’s Kitchen #15

Todd Richards is fairly well known around these parts. Richards’ restaurant group (Lush Life Group) is the driving force behind Rolling Bones BBQ and One Flew South, that high-end restaurant located in Hartsfield-Jackson’s E-Concourse.  However, … Read more →

Atlanta’s Best Chef Blogs

Let’s keep this short but sweet.  Atlanta is full of foodies, full of bloggers, and full of foodies who blog. (I’m looking at you,,,,,  The list goes on from … Read more →

Chef Todd Richards: The Future Of Rolling Bones BBQ

Last week, I posted some thoughts on Rolling Bones BBQ.  Ultimately, I said that I found the new iteration of this downtown joint to be heavy on potential and thin on delivery.  In a bit … Read more →

Bon Appetit Misses The Mark On America’s Best New Barbecue

Creative Loafing ran a little bit on a recent article in Bon Appétit.  BA decided to get in on the barbecue debate by naming the America’s ten best NEW barbecue places.  The mention on CL … Read more →

Rolling Bones BBQ Meet Todd Richards: Restaurant Review – Downtown, Atlanta, GA [First Impressions]

The area of downtown surrounding Edgewood Ave doesn’t get a lot of love.  For the most part, it is pretty dingy and it’s definitely not the safest of places.  Still, the ‘hood does have some … Read more →