In Search of Feedback: New Rating System

It’s been eons since I’ve doled out any stars (which are about to look like Buddha statues pretty soon anyway *wink*).  There are a myriad of reasons why I haven’t rated any place recently but … Read more →

Thinking, Learning, & Loving Food

The farther down this road I go, the more and more I realize how important the education process is.  As such, I’ve added a new page.  It’s called Lessons In Food.  It’s ridiculously thin right … Read more →

Back Tomorrow …

Working is fun … isn’t it?  This week’s ITCK will be up later tonight/tomorrow.  I have a couple of reviews in the slower cooker as well!  Read about some foodie fun and watch something funny:

Site Status Notation

Hey ya’ll.  Getting ready to throw down a review for everyone … in the meantime, I just wanted to mention something.  My hosting company is totally freaking incompetent having some difficulties right now (even though … Read more →

Back Soon

Been busy, camera MIA, and focused on a few other things … be back soon … lots of eating to discuss!

On The Move; Be Back In A Jiffy

I know, I should have another Inside The Chef’s Kitchen post ready to roll.  Unfortunately, things have been über busy here at Casa De Buddha.  I’m about to hit the road for a very long … Read more →

The Dirty List Rides Again

Many moons ago, I had a little feature called “The Dirty List.”  Every month, I put up a Google map that showed where all the “just around the corner” restaurants were to be located.  Somehow, … Read more →

Datealicious ATL Redux

Big error in yesterday’s post on Datealicious.  I accidently messed up the URL … here’s the correct one.  I updated the other post as well, but wanted to make sure everyone saw that. Buddha … … Read more →

And It All Started So Quietly …

After 365 Days, 627 Posts, and 1,055 comments … I’m just amazed that we’re here.  What started so innocuously (with just a little note), has turned into a daily part of my life.  I’ve met … Read more →

1,001 And Growing

Holy shizzle people … we just passed 1,000 approved comments.  Now, a few of those are from me (less than 1/3) … and a few of them are bots … but the vast majority are … Read more →