Hankook Taqueria And Korean Tacos Get Mainstream Love

Just a few days ago, I stepped back into Hankook Taqueria and had a fairly flat experience.  I’m actually working on that post as we speak.  However, owner Tomas Lee just got a whole heck of a lot of attention for his Hankook Taqueria and their Yumbii Taco Truck that is sure to bring them …

Ashley Hall Of Third Coast Byways: Keeping Tabs On All Things Gulf Coast [Atlanta Blogs]

Ashley Hall of Third Coast Byways (link) is the definitive Southern, and I mean that in the best sense of the term.  This transplanted Birmingham native has been in our fine city for some time and established herself as a grape hound with Quality Wines and with Kermit Lynch.  But her time in the wine …

Frank Ma Discusses The History Of Buford Highway

During some of my intermittent and haphazard internet perusing, I stumbled upon really neat videos by Frank Ma and Eddie Hernandez, two well-known Atlanta chefs.  Ma, who’s followed like a hawk by Atlanta’s Chinese gastronomes, recently sat down to talk about his arrival in the dirty South and the burgeoning food center that runs the …