Yoda’s Favorite Cup Noodle

I, along with nearly every college student in the history of history, have an affinity for ramen’s dear cousin: the cup noodle.  I take particular interest in those crazy Japanese and their ability to get … Read more →

Lego Star Wars Cupcakes & Cakes [Desserts]

Star Wars + Cupcakes + LEGOs = Happy Buddha.  You probably already realized this a few weeks ago when a great Star Wars Cupcake photo flickered across my stream.  This time we can thank Rachel … Read more →

Star Wars Cupcakes [Dark Side Desserts]

Darth Vader and Storm Trooper Star Wars cupcakes … how very evil of you! [from instagr.am via @GizzyGetBizzy]

Cooking in the World of Star Wars: X-Wings and Hot Dogs

I have to tell you, nothing comes between a Star Wars nerd junky and his/her collectibles …  not time, not space, and certainly not money.  I’ve seen Star Wars collectibles sell for many many many … Read more →