In Defense Of Honesty, Integrity, & Research

Soapbox time … HORRAAAAAY!!!! Or something like that … blogging and ethics have gone together since the beginning of time. tossed some fuel to this debate with the not-so-outing outing of a bunch of … Read more →

Tami Hardeman Featured In ScoutMob; Teases With Goodies and Saves You Money

Running with Tweezers (link), Tami Hardeman’s blog, is one of the biggest Atlanta food blogs around.  Her pictures are worthy of food porn status (she’s a food stylist btw), and her writing is energetic and … Read more →

Grab $30, Run With Your Tweezers, Eat For A Week

In these tough economic times, there is nothing like a good, budget conscious foodie whosiewhatsit to keep you on your toes.  Earlier this year, Running With Tweezers decided to try and eat for an entire … Read more →