In these tough economic times, there is nothing like a good, budget conscious foodie whosiewhatsit to keep you on your toes. Earlier this year, Running With Tweezers decided to try and eat for an entire week on a budget of just $30. Well, she’s back at it again, and this time, with quite a bit of help from people like The Broke Socialite (website), Trouble with Toast (website), and Eat It Atlanta (website).
Before we get ahead of yourself, please read the thoughtful post she put together. It will give you some much needed perspective on the event. You can follow the full details over at RWT or on twitter at #Eaton30. Unfortunately, I have to many business lunches next week to participate … sucks!!!!!
LiveJournal Tags: running with tweezers,tami hardeman,the broke socialite,trouble with toast,eat it atlanta
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