Top Chef Texas: Restaurant Wars – What Was That Ingredient? [Buddhacation]

The pain that is this season of Top Chef Texas continues, and with it comes another edition of What Was That Ingredient?  While the show struggles to keep my attention, I still watch with some … Read more →

Top Chef Texas: BBQ Pit Wars – What Was That Ingredient? [Buddhacation]

After a few weeks off from the drivel that has become Top Chef Texas, the show returned last night desperate to find a new villain, but this isn’t a typical review series, so I’ll leave … Read more →

Top Chef Texas: Tribute Dinner–What Was That Ingredient? [Buddhacation]

Things we learned on the latest edition of Top Chef Texas: 1) Apparently grandfathers made absolutely zero impact on the lives of their offspring.  2) Bravo TV now relies upon the most uncreative group of … Read more →

Top Chef Texas: Game On – What Was That Ingredient? [Buddhacation]

For this weeks edition of What Was That Ingredient?, Top Chef Texas did the whole game thing and once again attempted to assert its badassness.  They first invoked NGT with what basically equated to a … Read more →

Top Chef Texas: Higher Steaks – What Was That Ingredient? [Buddhacation]

No, I didn’t forget to do What Was That Ingredient last week.  I just didn’t do it.  There just wasn’t a single piece of content worth writing about.  Thankfully, this week’s episode of Top Chef … Read more →

Top Chef Texas: Red Hot Chili Cook Off – What Was That Ingredient? [Buddhacation]

Hi, I’m Foodie Buddha and I’m a hot sauce addict.  Now that that’s out of the way: Top Chef Texas’s latest episode was stuffed with chilis of all types.  The topics du jour were the … Read more →

Top Chef Texas: Quinceañera – What Was That Ingredient? [Buddhacation]

A quinceañera, the title for this weeks episode of Top Chef Texas, is a Latin America party celebrated in countries up and down Central and South America.  The impetus behind the celebration is a girl’s15th … Read more →

Top Chef Texas: The Heat Is On – What Was That Ingredient? [Buddhacation]

                                                                                                                 courtesy toughkidcst on flickr People expect the chefs and cooks who appear on Top Chef to do things most home cooks can’t do.  This season of Top Chef Texas has started off notably restrained … Read more →

Top Chef Texas: Premier – What Was That Ingredient? [Buddhacation]

Last night, as the premier episode of Top Chef Texas came to a close, there was a collective grunt in the world of the food literati. Not always known for their technical prowess, writers everywhere … Read more →

Top Chef DC: Finale – What Was That Ingredient? [Buddhacation]

Bum bum bum … another one bites the dust.  Yes, that’s it for this season of Top Chef.  By now, y’all probably know that while the season was set in DC, the two part finale … Read more →