The Original Retro Brand Goes Foodie???? Richard Blais Talks Sports, Top Chef, And Flip Burger Boutique

I always get a kick out of reading about people “outside their context.”  Such is the case with a recent post over at the Original Retro Brand blog.  To explain, since 1998, has been a place to grab old school sports jersey’s and such.  Well-known throughout the country, I always thought it was hella cool that all this talk came out of the ATL.

In the past few months, Distant Replays has joined forces with the Original Retro Brand.  One of the byproducts of that relationship is a new blog.  So by now, all you foodies are wondering … so what?  Well, here’s what.

Recently, they blogged an interview with chef Richard Blais.  While there isn’t anything earth shattering, it’s a quick little read in which Richard talks for his love for the Gators and the Islanders.  Before he jets, Blais drops some info about his time on Top Chef and the goings-on at Flip Burger Boutique.

[Via OriginalRetroBrand]

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