The Best iPad Food Apps: The Complete Foodie Guide To The iPad [Technology]

I make no bones about my general disdain for a company that embeds personal information into audio files that you purchase (see: Apple).  That said, I know a big thing when I see it … and for better or worse, the iPad is a big thing.  That I have no intention of playing with it for any significant amount of time is neither here nor there.  What’s important is this: we’re foodies and the iPad will be good to some of you.  So … were you one of the 300,000 people to rush out and purchase an iPad on day one?  If so, check out some awesomely cool things you can do with it after the jump (with a tip of the hat to awesomeness that is Super Mario Brothers)!

Epicurious iPad app


cost: free // [iTunes]

This is hands down the best iPad cookbook app available, and it probably will be for sometime.  It has a tremendous number or recipes and even includes access to Ruth Reichl’s fabulous The Gourmet Cookbook, which I strongly suggest you buy nowif you don’t have access to an iPad.  While the app isn’t perfect, it’s free and it’s pretty darn good.  Hands down … this is the best foodie app out there!

Whole Foods Market Recipes iPad App


cost: free // [iTunes]

While not as in depth or dynamic as the aforementioned Epicurious app, The Whole Foods app does have two really cool features: 1. the app will find the nearest store and shows weekly specials for each store.  That should help a trip to Whole Markup a little less damaging to your pocketbook. 2. It helps you organize your shopping lists, so now you can get your grocery shopping done and look like a super bad ass.  Being that it is a Whole Foods product, there is a distinct focus on healthy, organic ingredients.

Urbanspoon iPad App


cost: free // [iTunes]

Gambling is fun, eating is fun … now you have the best of both worlds.  The UrbanSpoon slot machine will help you find a place to eat based on the type of food you want, where you’re hanging, and how much you want to spend.  Plus, this app gives you access to the entire UrbanSpoon website.  Killer!

OpenTable iPad App


cost: free // [iTunes]

If you’ve ever had a hard time getting a reservation, OpenTable is a great solution!  The site helps you find seats at a ton of restaurants regardless of what city you are in.  So now, you can impress your friend with a reservation at Kevin Gillespie’s Woodfire Grill, then whip out your new toy to show them what a douche you really are.  No … it’s not polite to use your iPad while dining out.

OpenCellar iPad App


cost: $3.99 // [iTunes]

Wine is an integral aspect of the gourmand’s experience.  However, it’s an intimidating as hell if you don’t know the difference between a pinotage and a pinot noir.  OpenCellar helps you track your wine drinking, gives you suggestions, and even has a virtual cellar.  While it’s not my favorite web application of its type, that its available on your iPad is while you find it on this list.

Last but not least – Super Mario Kart … just cuz!

[via GadgetLab]

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  1. These are NOT iPad apps. They are iPhone apps that are able run on the iPad. HUGE difference. Present the facts straight.

    1. The iPad and the iPhone are part of the same echosystem, that these particular apps run on both doesn’t make them any less qualified as “iPad” apps. Besides, the Epicurious app was reworked specifically for the iPad. Nothing incorrect at all in the above content.

  2. You forgot to include my favorite cooking app Gourmaide! They have such a fresh and different outlook towards cooking. No other app even comes close to how that app helps me cook, I haven’t stopped using it ever since I got it! Happy cooking 🙂

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