A Disturbance In The Force For One Eared Stag [Rumors]

There’s a somewhat frustrating bit of information floating around these days that pertains to One Eared Stag in Inman Park.  The restaurant, which features food from Robert Phalen and currently occupies the space of the … Read more →

Wing Factory: Fight The Kids, Get Some Wings

Some people obsess about what they wear, some people obsess about the newest gadgets, and some people obsess about the latest celebrity gossip.  Me … I obsess about food (and a few other things mind … Read more →

Animal Restaurant: LA’s Meatiest Endeavor

Nearly everything chefs Jon Shook and Vinny Dotolo touch these days turns into critical gold.  In the case of Animal, their first restaurant, Shook and Dotolo have ingratiated themselves to Los Angeles’s food scene as … Read more →

MB Post: A Very Naughty Restaurant

MB Post, the short form of Manhattan Beach Post, has been a buzzing Los Angeles area restaurant for several months.  A Modern American gastro pub, this David LeFevre helmed establishment reportedly packs them in on … Read more →

Latitude Food & Drink: Trying To Raise The Mall Food Game

There are two types of mall food in this world and chef Micah Willix’s newly opened Latitude Food and Drink is hoping to break away from that rule of thumb.  The most abundant form of … Read more →

Ringside Franks & Shakes: Neighborhood Hot Dogs In Sandy Springs

The tiny little building at 4441 Roswell Rd on the edge of Sandy Springs and Buckhead has gone through a few changes in the past year+.  What was first a Wolf Camera and then a … Read more →

HD1 Brings Trendiness To The Hot Dog [First Impressions]

Most people who visit HD1, Atlanta’s newest hot dog concept, will not have any misgivings as to the type of things they will see, touch, and taste while inside.  Few, if any, will expect a … Read more →

While the Buddha’s Away, HD1 Will Play

I’m Left Coasting it for a little bit longer and time doesn’t stop for those of us kicking back.  Meanwhile in Atlanta, HD1, the hot dog experiment with a heavy hand from Richard Blais, opened … Read more →

The Muff & Buff Tour Visits Alluvia

Mother … forgive me for I have sinned.  Father … I’ve heard the stories so you have nothing to say! 😉 Figuratively speaking, I’m at a loss for words.  I’m trying to come up with … Read more →

One Eared Stag Restaurant Review – Inman Park, Atlanta, GA [First Impressions]

When my buddy and I first stepped through the emblazed upon glass door at Inman Park’s One Eared Stag, I must say that it was not without both cat-like curiosity and tentative trepidation.  I try … Read more →