Wine Is Meant To Be Crunk At Dirty South!

In case ya’ll haven’t visited, now would be a good time. The guy knows grapes, loves grapes, and talks grapes.  Dirty forgoes the pretentious attitude that seems to go hand in hand with wine.  … Read more →

We Come In Droves: First Bite

Came across another Atlanta food blog – First Bite.  Jessica has been around a little over a month and the posts are bit sporadic; however, she seems to have picked up steam over the past … Read more →

New Kid On The Blog: Tongue Sausage

I’m no longer the new kid in town.  Tongue Sausage takes that title.  He/She (I think it’s a she) has already hit up Serpas True Food.  SHe (again – a guess) doesn’t appear to be … Read more →