Fuoco Di Napoli & The Pizza Obsessed

Fuoco Di Napoli is Atlanta’s newest pizzeria obsession.  Open less than 168 hours, pizza fans from all parts of Atlanta have made it over to Buckhead’s newest pizza joint to test the skills of Fuoco’s pizzaioli, one Enrico Liberato. In his two-years in Atlanta, Liberato has become to pizza what Peter Chang is to Chinese …

Serious Eats And John Kessler Talk Atlanta, Pizza Wars, & More

Last week, I mentioned that a well respected NYC foodie and a local heavyweight were scampering around town to try some of the best Atlanta has to offer.  Yesterday, Ed Levine, the NYC dude of Serious Eats fame, posted a writing by John Kessler, the AJC’s food dude.  Topics included the delicious pizzas that we …

Antico Pizza Napoletana Trends Like Twitter – Midtown, Atlanta, GA [First Impressions]

A little over a week ago, as I scuttled home from the office, I took an unusual turn down Hemphill Ave.  Traffic was thick, and I like to keep moving.  So down the side streets I went and as I peeled off of Northside Dr, I noticed that Jaqbo Bakery & Café had a whole …

Chris Bianco Talks Pizza And Drops The F-Bomb An Awful Lot

So while Atlanta has pizza gurus Enrico Liberato and Jeff Varasano, so too does Phoenix.  In that city, Chris Bianco reigns supreme.  Bianco operates the well known and highly regarded Pizzeria Bianco (website).  A couple of aspiring pizzeria owners decided to sit down with Bianco.  What followed ended up being one of the most interesting …