Mr. T’s FlavorWave Cooking Lesson: My Taste Buds Is Going Wild!

A few days ago, I discussed the one product everyone should have (according to Chef Laurence Turdeaud): A FlavorWave.  Well, here’s a video to show you just how great this product really is.  How do you know? Cuz Mr. T told you so! Technorati Tags: videos,mr. t,flavorwave,infomercials,laurence turdeaud

Laugh of The Day: Mr. T’s FlavorWave Oven – I Pity Da Fool

Mr. T isn’t just a pretty face; he’s an actor, a wrestler, a rap artist, and a political commentator (see below).  Maybe lost in the mix are his various culinary endeavors.  I mean, who can forget his delicious Mr. T cereal?  I loved that stuff! Well, apparently he has a hankerin’ for low fat and …