Recipe Organization: A Techie’s Tip Guide

Nearly every home cook I know has a system for organizing their recipes.   Some of my older friends (and a few of the younger one’s as well) use a classic card system.  My mother, for … Read more →

Burger Thoughts … Food Near Snellville Elaborates

I’ve been chatting with Food Near Snellville with regards to all things burger related. One thing is an undeniable no no in my book: a spatula should touch your burger two times (AT MOST!) … … Read more →

Start Thinking About What You Eat: Ted And Mark Bittman

Seriously people … TED is the best.  I freaking love TED and think TED IS THE GREATEST!!!  Forget YouTube,, or even … TED is where it’s at.  The site is home to some … Read more →

Mark Bittman Takes On The Colbert Nation

Tuesday night was a double dip of pleasure for me.  Not only did I get my fix of The Colbert Report, but, Stephen was kind enough to have a foodie themed interview.  Mark Bittman, a … Read more →