David Sweeney Moves to Cakes & Ale, Ian Mendelsohn to H+F Bottle Shop [Factoids]

Time to get all “journalistic” on you peeps. Step 1 On Friday, Spark Plug let it be known that David Sweeney, Atlanta’s leading vegetablemonger, was on his way to Cakes & Ale.  As she noted: … Read more →

The Foie Gras Battle Continues In Atlanta [Politics]

Restaurant Eugene and Linton Hopkins, as well as a slew of Atlanta area restaurants, have come under fire from activists over their use of foie gras, a highly contentious liver dish.  It’s really been a … Read more →

Linton Hopkins on Creativity vs. Chaos [TEDxAtlanta]

I’ve posted videos from TED before.  Short for Technology Entrepreneurship and Design, TED.com is a a treasure trove of goodness with lots of amazing content covering an array of topics.  Luckily for us, food culture … Read more →

Tomato Season: Attack Of The Killer Tomato Festival Returns For 2010

Attack of The Killer Tomato Festival for $500 please Mr. Kebert Xela … Answer: Jay Swift, Anne Quatrano, Hugh Acheson, Chris Hastings, Kevin Gillespie, Bruce Logue. Question: Who are just a few of the awesome … Read more →

James Beard Foundation Award Semifinalists

The James Beard Awards are the United States’ version of the food Oscars.  Today, the JB Foundation announced their semifinalists for this years awards. The neat thing about the awards is that have nationwide categories … Read more →

A Night Of Gatsby: The Souper Jenny Underground Dinner Club [Great Finds]

I was apprehensive to say the least.  High-brow, underground supper clubs strike a strange cord with me.  On the one hand, it’s kind of cool to hit up a private event that requires a trip … Read more →

Linton Hopkins Is A 2009 Food And Wine Best New Chef

Congratulations to Linton Hopkins of Atlanta’s Restaurant Eugene and Holeman & Finch!  Food & Wine magazine has just named Linton one of America’s best new chefs.  A handful of other Atlanta chefs have won the … Read more →

An Evening With Chef Anne Quatrano of Bacchanalia – 02.23.09

Emory University has this awesome “Sustainable Initiative” series.  While the evening with Linton Hopkins has come and gone, there are still two lectures left.  Tonight is one such night. These lectures give each chef an … Read more →