Escorpion Restaurant Review – Midtown, Atlanta, GA [First Impressions]

Draped in a haze of street lights, I find myself awash in bustling persona grata.  The hip, the avid, and the curious are in to check out Escorpion Tequila Bar and Cantina.  Escorpion is a lavish new endeavor from restaurateur Riccardo Ullio and his U Restaurants group and its sights are set squarely on the …

Serious Eats And John Kessler Talk Atlanta, Pizza Wars, & More

Last week, I mentioned that a well respected NYC foodie and a local heavyweight were scampering around town to try some of the best Atlanta has to offer.  Yesterday, Ed Levine, the NYC dude of Serious Eats fame, posted a writing by John Kessler, the AJC’s food dude.  Topics included the delicious pizzas that we …

Lupe Taqueria Restaurant Review – Midtown, Atlanta, GA [First Impressions]

Ah Riccardo and my dear sweet Lupe Taqueria.  Situated right on Juniper Street in Midtown, I wanted so badly to enjoy your company, to appreciate your culinary statement, and your bubbling atmosphere.  Alas, it was not to be.  What you gave me was a failure of Titanic proportions.  In the blink of an eye you …

Riccardo Ullio’s Lupe Replaces Cuerno In Midtown [Openings]

Restaurateur Riccardo Ullio is perhaps best known for his two Inman Park flagships (Fritti and Sotto Sotto).  However, he has opened and operated multiple establishments under the “U Restaurants” umbrella.  His latest venture goes by the name of Lupe and has taken over for his now defunct Cuerno.  I haven’t been over to see the …

A Visit To Atlanta Pizza Power: Drop In At Fritti – Inman Park [Quick Hits]

Sorry for the lack of posts yesterday and today.  Real life beckons when you’ve been on the lamb for a few weeks.  Still, I’ve managed to get back into the foodie thing with my return to the ATL.  Last night, I found myself at Fritti, the popular pizza joint that sits just outside of Inman …

Funghi Fritti From Riccardo Ullio [Recipe]

So the Mushroom Channel is a blog dedicated to all things funghi.  It’s a pretty good read despite it’s lack of diversity.  Yesterday, I noticed they had an interview with Riccardo Ullio, the owner of notable Atlanta restaurants Sotto Sotto, Fritti, Cuerno, and Beleza.  In that interview, Ullio shares with the crowd the method behind …