Tomato Season: Attack Of The Killer Tomato Festival Returns For 2010

Attack of The Killer Tomato Festival for $500 please Mr. Kebert Xela … Answer: Jay Swift, Anne Quatrano, Hugh Acheson, Chris Hastings, Kevin Gillespie, Bruce Logue. Question: Who are just a few of the awesome chef’s showing up at this years Attack of The Killer Tomato Festival? Yes ladies and gents … it is that …

In Defense Of Honesty, Integrity, & Research

Soapbox time … HORRAAAAAY!!!! Or something like that … blogging and ethics have gone together since the beginning of time. tossed some fuel to this debate with the not-so-outing outing of a bunch of food folks.  Meanwhile, there are attempts at formulating a code to blogging.  One foodie specific one caught my eye (look …

Tami Hardeman Featured In ScoutMob; Teases With Goodies and Saves You Money

Running with Tweezers (link), Tami Hardeman’s blog, is one of the biggest Atlanta food blogs around.  Her pictures are worthy of food porn status (she’s a food stylist btw), and her writing is energetic and tantalizing.  At her core, Tami is a recipe hound, so if you’re looking for some creative way to throw together …

Introducing Atlanta’s “Inside The Chef’s Kitchen”

As bloggers, we all try and do something to stand out.  Creative juices flow and the result are things like Tami’s Eat On 30, Jimmy’s pizza thang, and Kessler’s new found 30 in 30 (note: that’s a link to twitter and it should fill in as the days pass).  Those all require a lot of …

Sell The Vatican, Feed The World [Laugh Of The Day]

Running With Tweezers and her #EatOn30 cronies aren’t the only people trying to raise awareness of the current state of the food system.  Turns out, the one and only Sarah Silverman has also thrown in her 2 cents.  As luck would have it, Sarah has solved the problem of world hunger.  All we need to …

Grab $30, Run With Your Tweezers, Eat For A Week

In these tough economic times, there is nothing like a good, budget conscious foodie whosiewhatsit to keep you on your toes.  Earlier this year, Running With Tweezers decided to try and eat for an entire week on a budget of just $30.  Well, she’s back at it again, and this time, with quite a bit …

Killer Tomato Fest (In Pictures – Not Mine)

Though I continue my world travels, I still check in on what’s going on in the ATL.  This past Sunday was the Georgia Organics Attack Of The Killer Tomato Festival.  A number of foodies got all amped about this. In fact, two of my favorite blogs (Savory Exposure and Running With Tweezers) got in on …