How To Make Yelp Interesting [Updated]

How do you make Yelp worth reading?  Simple … have someone else do the reading for you.  In this case, we have actor Chris Kipiniak putting his dramatic spin on a 1-star review for the … Read more →

Mac Sauce Is Free: Hello Ghetto Big Mac! [Laugh Of The Day]

As I head off to the gym and then another day of glorious football, I couldn’t help but mention this little jewel.  A recent twitter chat reminded me how few people realize that Mac sauce … Read more →

Rowdy Food Says Goodbye To Arnaud Berthelier And The Dining Room

With the days winding down until the October 1 closing of The Dining Room, there is no doubt that a number of people won’t have a chance to get their fix before the Buckhead hallmark … Read more →

Eating Out Of A Toilet Bowl: Not As Bad As You Think [Laugh Of The Day]

At the Merton Restaurant in Taiwan, the theme is … well … uh … different: I’m pretty sure the furniture is just decorative and not functional. Technorati Tags: funny,youtube,toilets,ice cream

Start Thinking About What You Eat: Ted And Mark Bittman

Seriously people … TED is the best.  I freaking love TED and think TED IS THE GREATEST!!!  Forget YouTube,, or even … TED is where it’s at.  The site is home to some … Read more →

Laugh Of The Day: World’s Best Pizza Slicer

So yesterday brought word of the NerdApproved Pizza Pro 3000 Circular Saw.  First I was afraid, I was petrified; then I was told I’d rather have a kick ass laser by my side! (Yeah Gloria!)  … Read more →