Specialty Food Shops In Atlanta Get A Boost! The Mercantile Rejoices!

Owners of those specialty food shops in the city of Atlanta got some good news late yesterday.  Currently, city law prevents small establishments from selling liquor under particular circumstances (namely: proximity to another business that sells liquor).

Thanks in large part to the work of Janea Boyles, of The Mercantile, and of city council member Anne Fauver, ordinance 08-0-0843 passed!  The goal of the ordinance is to make it so that applications from these small businesses rely on factors unique to this type of business.   While there are a few more hurdles in place, I’ll try and find out how soon until the crazy grape juice hits the shelves! After all, the Mercantile is a destination on the Atlanta Sub & Sandwich Tour

For more background on this, watch Fox 5 Report they ran last month:

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