Robot Chicken For The Foodie [Laugh Of The Day]

Yes, I know … I’ve slacked the past few days.  While I have not had the chance to update as I would have liked to, that does not mean I haven’t been up to my usual tomfoolery.  Rest assured, I have some good stuff cooking for the upcoming week.  In the meantime, I thought I’d introduce ya’ll to Robot Chicken, one of my favorite TV shows!  It’s a 15-minute stop-animation shows that plays on Adult Swim (aka … the Cartoon Network).  I strongly suggest you check it out!  In the meantime, here are some food related Robot Chicken clips for your enjoyment!

I wouldn’t go so far as to say that these are NSFW; however, proceed with caution!

Gummy Bears:

Cooking with Smurfs

Tacos Rule

Richie Rich on Cribs (okay – not food related … but this is my all-time fav):

There are actually a ton of other ones I wanted to use, but less is more.  If you are really interested … go check out the Adult Swim website.

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