Ladies and Gents, we have a situation on our hands. A man by the name of Hardy Wallace thinks it’s Goode To Be First. That greedy bastard, a.k.a. Mr. Wallace, more commonly referred to round these parts as Dirty from, wants to stick it to all us from the ATL. He wants out. So let’s kick his arse to the curb.
The details are as follows: Murphy-Goode Winery (website) is offering up a six-month job out in Sonoma. A whole slew of wine nerds applied and it’s our job to decide who wins. Currently, some chick out of Tampa is in the lead … and that needs to change.
I’m a little sick of HW’s attitude. The lack of pretention, the approachableness, the in-depth knowledge, the relaxed laughs, and the can-do attitude are all a little sickening. I really can’t stand it … so please readers … help kick Dirty out of Atlanta.
If this fermented grape doesn’t come back to the ATL after his six-month jail sentence, I’ll personally smack him some kind of senseless. After all, while you can take Dirty out of the South, you can’t take the South out the Dirty.
To vote, click on the first link in this post or that horned Viking dude just off to the right.
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