BREAKING: Bocuse d’Or Semi-Finalists Ready To Rock

bocuse-dor You could easily go your entire life and never hear the phrase “Bocuse d’Or.”  However, if you spend any time in the restaurant world – you’ll inevitably come across this mysterious phrase.  Bocuse d’Or is actually the name for a biennial chef contest.  Named for Paul Bocuse, the 2-day cooking extravaganza is almost always likened to the Olympic Games.

Those of you who watch Top Chef probably remember the episode from a few weeks ago inspired by Bocuse.  Sure enough, Atlanta’s loveable Kevin Gillespie took the challenge and earned his spot on this list.   The Woodfire Grill leader will try and take down eleven other hopefuls for a chance to represent our country.  Just a few minutes ago, they announced the entire list of US semi-finalists.  Here they are in all their glory:

Jennifer Petrusky, Chicago, Charlie Trotter
Christopher Parson, Winchester, MA
Mark Lieberman, Florida
James Kent, New York, Eleven Madison Park
Luke Bergman, New York, the Modern
Kevin Gillespie, Atlanta, Top Chef finalist
Percey Watley, California
Michael Klauss, Vermont
Danny Circada, North Carolina
Andrew Weiss, Las Vegas
Jeremy Thomzac, New York, instructor at the French Culinary Institute
John Rella, New York

[via grubstreet]

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