Orleagian Snowballs: Bouncing Here And There And Everywhere [Street Food]

orleagian snowballs - the truck

Gummy Bears!  You know them, you love them, and you still eat them.  Their TV show rocked mad musical beats, and all you want to do is pop them like the pills.  But why eat them straight out ‘the package when you can dunk them in a vat of frozen deliciousness?

Yes, at Orleagian Snowballs (or-lee-gin) at the corner of Moreland and Ponce De Leon, you too can grab one of these snowball treasure chests.  Unlike this son of a bitch, marinating gummy bears in fruit flavored syrup is anything but wrong.  It’s Orleagian’s call to arms and makes eating an already delicious snowball just that much better.

orleagian snowballs - the action

First, let’s clear something up! These are Snowballs.  These are not sno-cones aka snow cones.  Snowballs hail from New Orleans and showed up on the scene ‘round 1900 (give or take).  The ice is finely shaved (see above) and packed in super tight.  While you can eat them with a spoon, straws are also a viable method of consumption.  Meanwhile, sno-cones are much chunkier and have to be eaten with a spoon.  That said, my preferred method on either dessert treat is the biting face plant.

orleagian snowballs - the tower of iceorleagian snowballs - mmmm

Owner Kenneth Woodfin has been going strong for nearly 3-years and there doesn’t appear to be any quit in the guy.  You’ll find his little green food trailer setup in the gas station parking lot from 1p to 8p every weekday from the first of April until the end of September.  With several different sizes ($1.75 and up) and 30 flavors, the combinations are seemingly endless.

orleagian snowballs - snow conesBites might give you brain freeze, but they also give you a pop of sugary flavor and a crunch that I’ve been all about since I was but a wee little Foodie Buddha.  I suspect the only way you won’t like them is if you find some nasty flavor combination … but even then, I think y’all be alright.

One word of warning to all you smooth cats driving your lady friend home after scoring a snowball: don’t be surprised if in a screech of ecstasy you suddenly hear “HAHA! I found you you little sucker!” I did, and my ear drums are still ringing.

ps – the story did have a happy ending

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Orleagian Snowballs Food Cart Address & Information

1161 Ponce de Leon Ave, Atlanta, GA, 30306 // 404.897.4646 // Orleagian Snowballs website // Orleagian Snowballs flavors // Orleagian Snowballs facebook
Orleagian Snowballs on Urbanspoon

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