Todd Brock Talks Burger Tap

Todd Brock, who handles all things Atlanta for the crew at Serious Eats, just posted his thoughts on Burger Tap, a restaurant I checked out a few weeks back.  Brock was a little more jaunted … Read more →

Yeah! Burger Restaurant Review – Westside, Atlanta, GA [First Impressions]

Well Atlanta, are you looking for another burger joint? [Insert Rhetorical Answer], because it turns out the heavens have opened and one Shaun Doty has stepped down with his excitement imploring Yeah! Burger.  Planted firmly … Read more →

Manhattan Burger Joint Opens And Some PR Firm Whimpers

There can be serious repercussions if you select a a bad name for your business, regardless of your industry.   When one selects a name for their restaurant, any name is pretty much fair game.  That … Read more →