Bad Ass Blind Foodies: Food Criticism Like You’ve Never Seen

Here’s a little video from Tommy Edison, a blind guy who shows us once again that blind people really don’t have the limitations many think they do! I know a lot of people that say they can’t cook … tell me that after watching him cook! #Respect [youtube=] But wait … there’s more!

Someone Famous Wants To Eat In Atlanta

Bonjwing Lee, known to most as The Ulterior Epicure, is, what my good friend calls, a super blogger.  Dude be everywhere.  His eating budget is larger than most people’s living budget and he’s got the food porn to prove it.  Plus, he travels … UH LOT and he’s contributed to the pretty awesome Bluestem cookbook, …

King of Pops Awesome Mural Is Dunzo [News That Sucks]

Consider this post a big middle finger directed at an unidentified party.  According to RestaurantsATL, the super awesome mega-sized King of Pops mural is apparently gone, up and vanished like a fart in the wind.  The mural was located in the parking lot of Buddy’s Gas Station, which has long served as home base for …

Snack To The Future: A Tumblr You Should Follow

Ladies and gentlefolks, foodies of all ages, I share with you some work from Snack To The Future:     If the samples above haven’t led on – the designer behind S2TF takes movie posters and gives them a good working over with some foodie love.  It’s not updated frequently, but when it is … it’s …

Essential Blog Tools For Foodies (And Everyone Else Too)

Even though this website is just a little online food journal, I try to publish blog posts regularly.  Thanks to a handful of blog tools, I’m able to publish content pretty efficiently.  These various software programs have become invaluable assets in my daily life, so I think it’s about time I wrote a guide on …

Food Is Awesome

In June of 2008, Neil Pasricha launched his 1000 Awesome Things website.  I, along with much of the internet addicted world, was turned onto his site soon thereafter.  The backstory and premise is this: Neil was reeling in the after effects of some serious emotional gut punches.  Rather than wallow in his sorrow any more …

The Saucy Server Says … [New Blogs]

I think it’s fair to say that the number of blogs that cover (at least in part) some aspect of the Atlanta restaurant scene has skyrocketed since I started this food journal back in December ‘08.  In fact, UrbanSpoon has 190 different blogs listed on its Atlanta Blog Leaderboard.  Though many of those are admittedly …

Thirsty South: Your Guide To Style … Drinking Style [Websites]

A new website/blog is on the scene and it goes by the name of  While I’m going to bet most of y’all have a knack for the obvious … in case you don’t: Thirsty South is dedicated to all things drink.  They have an excellent photographer on staff and have already hit up Perrine’s …

Ashley Hall Of Third Coast Byways: Keeping Tabs On All Things Gulf Coast [Atlanta Blogs]

Ashley Hall of Third Coast Byways (link) is the definitive Southern, and I mean that in the best sense of the term.  This transplanted Birmingham native has been in our fine city for some time and established herself as a grape hound with Quality Wines and with Kermit Lynch.  But her time in the wine …

I’m High On Cooking: Blogging, Farming, And Food Porn

Sometimes, I have a very good explanation for how and why I stumble upon a website.  Other times, I have no idea how I happen upon some of the gems I hit.  Such is the case with the blog I’m High On Cooking (link to the tumblr).  The blog tumblr itself is a bit of …