Super Mario Brothers Cake [Bowser!]

While I’m not a big desserts fan, I do love creative cakes as much as the next person.  Example #3,287: this great looking Super Mario Brothers cake.  Made by cmbooher, this was actually a birthday … Read more →

Dwight Schrute Cake [That’s What She Baked]

Rainn Wilson never looked so delicious.  Ladies and Gentlemen, Cari Barocas gives you Dwight Cake Schrute … in the batter: Yes, ‘round these parts the dear Barocas is The Mad Batter and Mix Master B … Read more →

Giant Octopus Cake: 200LBs Of Edible Art [Molluscs]

So in my spare time, I like to browse the internet.  Shocking, I Know.  Well, during a little R&D, I came across this this monstrosity on flickr!  That’s right folks, it’s 200lbs of edible octopus.  … Read more →

Pie Cake: Cherpumple Pie [Laugh Of The Day]

A little treat before I sit down to watch Top Chef in preparation for this weeks What Ingredient Was That? Here we have a three-layer pie/cake filled with cherry, pumpkin, and apple pie.  Better known … Read more →

Coolest Resignation Letter … EVER

So in these tough economic times, the thought of someone quitting their job seems down right dumb.  However, we often hear of extenuating circumstances.  Such is the case for one W. Neil Berrett.  The guy … Read more →

Laugh Of The Day: The Alcoholics Wedding Cake

LikeCool called this the most hilarious wedding cake ever … not sure I’d go that far – I’ve seen some pretty good ones in my time.  That said, this is a pretty solid picture of … Read more →

Laugh of The Day:Cake Wrecks

If you’ve read my blog, you know I don’t care for desserts.  That doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy reading about desserts.  Enter CackWrecks!  There isn’t just one post that “takes the cake” (HA! I said … Read more →

Pie or Cake? Pick your poison!

A recent article over at discusses the benefits of choosing pie (as opposed to cake) when selecting your dessert of choice.  I am not much of a desert man myself; however, this still begs … Read more →